
Her Husband Is An Amazing Man, But He Just Told Her That He Had A One-Night Stand 5 Years Ago While He Was Away On A Business Trip

BGStock72 - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 29-year-old woman has a husband who is 30, and he recently revealed to her that he had a one-night stand 5 years ago while he was on a business trip.

Back then, they had not put an official label on themselves, but they were dating and involved with one another.

As soon as her husband had gotten home from this trip, which was 3 months long, they made things official.

“We were in a fling-type situation before he left for the trip, and we were involved to the limit of me spending [the] last few days with packing with him, sending him off, video calls during layovers, and also daily calls,” she explained.

“I had even gone to the extent of ordering a birthday present for him on international calls in a foreign language, to getting it delivered to his hotel room as a surprise.”

“He tells me that this was [a] drunk mistake, and he stopped this from going any further. He and the colleague came to terms that this was just a mistake and have been friends ever since. I do remember asking him many times if anything had happened on the trip (as we were not official, he was free to do whatever), but he always denied it…”

Right before they got married, she questioned him about if he had any secrets he would like to spill prior to walking down the aisle.

Her husband maintained he didn’t have any secrets, and that was that. Not that long ago, the business trip her husband had gone on came up in conversation since they were watching a movie together that featured the exact same location, and he blurted out that he had a one-night stand.

He did show remorse for keeping this a secret for the last 5 years, and he said he was scared to tell her the truth.

BGStock72 – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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