
She Ended Things With A Guy After He Claimed He Wanted A “Perfect, Loving Relationship” Just Like His Parents, Who Have A Really Traditional Marriage

SHOTPRIME STUDIO - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

The tales of romance that we’re exposed to as children are a significant part of what leads to our views of love as adults. However, we later realize that some of those love stories are actually a woman’s worst nightmare.

TikToker Danielle (@yellerweller) is talking about how she broke things off with a guy she had been dating after she figured out what he actually meant when he said he wanted a “perfect, loving relationship” just like his parents.

So, she had been seeing this guy for about a month. During that time, no red flags popped up, but he did mention on several occasions how he wanted a relationship just like his parents.

“He said they were the perfect partners; they were so in love; they sacrificed so much, and they went through many trials and tribulations to be together,” recalled Danielle.

At first, she thought the story was really sweet and believed that his parents were an amazing couple. But that all changed after his mother invited her over to their house for dinner.

When she showed up, Danielle noticed that his dad was sitting at the table waiting for dinner to be done while his mom was in the kitchen, cooking and cleaning up. She figured that they must just have a more traditional relationship.

However, as the night went on, Danielle learned that his mom not only did all the housework and childcare when the kids were growing up, but she was also the sole breadwinner of the household.

Her husband was unable to hold down a job and spent most of his time playing guitar in the garage, holding on to the hope that he would “make it big someday” as a musician. On top of that, he was extremely negative and did not say a single nice thing the entire night.

“I don’t think he even smiled once. All he did was complain about the weather; he complained about politics; he complained about the food she made,” said Danielle.

SHOTPRIME STUDIO – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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