She Ended Things With Her Fiancé After He Asked For A Break And Said He Fell Out Of Love With Her, But She Can’t Completely Let Go

Syda Productions  - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Syda Productions - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 28-year-old woman has spent six years with her fiancé, who is the same age as her. A year into dating her fiancé, she found out he cheated on her, yet she forgave him, and they moved on.

She was ready to walk away from him completely after finding about about the infidelity, but he pleaded with her to stay with him.

He also went to great lengths to prove to her that she should be with him, and after that, their relationship was excellent.

She slowly rebuilt the trust she had for her fiancé; however, he started getting way too close to one of his female coworkers.

This coworker also had some very inappropriate conversations with her fiancé, and several things happened to give her a terrible feeling about this girl.

Her fiancé promised to stop speaking to his coworker if she was uneasy, and she confirmed that she would like him to do that.

Her fiancé then ended his friendship with his coworker and has not spoken to this girl in several months.

Nine months ago, her fiancé proposed to her, and they have since been planning out their upcoming wedding.

But then things seemed strange between them, and she confronted him about it. Her fiancé burst into tears and agreed that their relationship wasn’t quite right, and he had hoped that would just go away.

Syda Productions – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

They both acknowledged that they had to work on a couple of things and stop engaging in their respective numbing behaviors they used to avoid having to discuss their feelings.

One morning, they got into a fight over a TV show of all things, and she felt in her heart that was the end of them.

Her fiancé has been picking fights with her over the tiniest details for quite some time now, and that is one of the major reasons why she knew things weren’t good between them.

She started to think she should pack up her things and move out of the home they share together, but then it crossed her mind her fiancé probably had another woman he was interested in aside from her, given his past.

The following day, she took a peek at her fiancé’s phone, which she says she never does, and she found that he sent a selfie to his coworker.

“Then I found 4 selfies of the other girl (his coworker) making funny faces. So clearly, they were flirting,” she explained.

“When I confronted him he said she took the selfies on his phone when he put it down somewhere. I told him I couldn’t do this anymore, I don’t trust him or believe him, and I’m done. While grabbing boxes he was trying to stop me and wanted to talk more.”

“He tried to flip everything around on me, saying I don’t have a career and he doesn’t think I have the motivation to have one in the future. He works at Costco…I work as a nanny for my nieces because their mother (my sister) is not in their lives. I won’t abandon them, and their father pays me well. He only makes like $500 more than I do.”

She pays for her own bills, and he pays for his; never once has she asked him for help financially. She has planned to go to college, but she went through a lot of health problems last year, which prevented her from pursuing her education.

She also just had to undergo double jaw surgery and is still in the process of recovering, so she can’t take on school on top of this.

It hurt her to hear that her fiancé had so little faith in her and wanted to end their engagement over what she does for a living.

Her fiancé spent the next couple of hours out of their house, but when he returned, he was in tears as he said she’s a wonderful person but was no longer in love with her.

“I knew it was over then…he was always so crazy about me and fought for me until now,” she said.

“Over the next few days, I continued packing, but we would have deep conversations every night, and he opened up to me, saying he has commitment issues, he’s sorry for not communicating, and he doesn’t want this to be the end of us.”

“He wants a break so he can work on himself and be a better man for me. I told him I don’t see why we would need to be broken up for that. We can do counseling together. He’s pretty clear he needs to do this on his own, but he wants me to wait for him. I told him I don’t think I can do that.”

Then, last week, her fiancé said he was going to head to the park, and he was gone for three hours. He finally fessed up to meeting his coworker at the park to lay in the grass with her, which made her want to throw up.

That was the final straw, so she packed her things, and her family picked her up to help her move in with her brother.

Before she moved out, her fiancé insisted he met his coworker by chance in the park and it wasn’t planned, before saying he doesn’t want to end their relationship.

In the week since this all went down, she hasn’t been able to bring herself to stop communicating with him.

“It hurts wondering what he’s doing when he’s not at home, and I know I need to cut things off, but he still wants to hang on and wants me to come to therapy with him,” she added.

“I’m so torn because my head tells me to run but my heart still loves him and cares for him deeply. Is he completely playing me, or is there a chance for us?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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