
She Had A Strange Encounter With A Man While Biking Down The Oregon Coast

primipil - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When traveling alone, it is so important to trust your gut. Although you’ll be likely to meet some great people on any trip you take, there’s always the risk that someone might not be as friendly as they seem. 

One woman met a man who completely changed her perspective on meeting new people while she traveled alone on a long bike trip.

After graduating college, she decided to carve out some time to bike down the coast from Canada to Mexico. 

“I was pretty nervous to be going by myself, but for the majority of the time, I felt safe,” she remembers. 

Halfway through the trip, she got used to sleeping alone in empty campsites and parks. She even had some company here and there along the way and would occasionally ride with other bikers she had met on the trail. 

However, her guard was put right back up when she had a creepy encounter with a man while stopping at an information sign one day. 

She was only about a mile away from the campground she planned to stay in on the Oregon coast. On her way there, she noticed a yellow vintage car pass her on the opposite side of the road.

When she pulled over to read an informational sign about the campground, the same car returned and parked right near her.

An older man who appeared to be in his 50s or 60s came out of the car and started looking at the board with her.

primipil – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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