Her Husband Is So Obsessed With Money That She’s Thinking It Might Be Time For A Divorce

Look! - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Look! - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman is married to her 35-year-old husband, and they have one thing in their relationship that they do not see eye to eye on; money.

Her husband is dead set on being able to call himself a millionaire ASAP, and he expects to be able to retire before he turns 50-years-old.

In contrast, she couldn’t care less about making money, let alone being able to say she has 7 figures to her name.

“It’s just not something I’m worried about cause I’m always able to figure out a way to make it work/don’t plan on retiring until I’m 65 anyway,” she explained.

“However, his obsession with money is now officially making me lose sleep. It’s a long and complicated story.”

“But basically, I don’t think my husband wanted to get married, buy a house or have a kid with me. I’m starting to come to the conclusion that he only did those things to “shut me up” and because his family pressured him to.”

Yesterday was the final straw for her, though, when her husband screamed at her for purchasing another car seat for their baby.

Her husband raised his voice and said that she should not have bought a new car seat until their baby hit the maximum height and weight for the one they already had.

After being berated, she spent the following hour sobbing before turning to watch videos online until she felt tired.

Look! – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

But, when she is tired, she still has a hard time going to sleep next to her husband, and she begins to cry, which she admits is the lowest of lows.

Any time she’s in the same room as her husband, or any time that she even glances at him, it brings tears to her eyes, and not for any positive reasons.

She has attempted to speak to her husband on multiple occasions about not feeling bad about spending money, but any time she says something about it, it makes him even more possessive of money.

“He says that we could lose everything overnight and need to plan for an economic collapse,” she said.

“So, since I’m the one who spends the money in our relationship; we’ve tried cutting up my credit cards, cutting back significantly on groceries (we’re talking rice and beans, guys).”

“I’ve also told him that it’s ridiculous that we’re saving $80,000+ a year, and that’s still not enough to make him happy.”

She is aware that some individuals do have a tendency to just become more anxious about money than other individuals, but this has really gotten out of hand for her.

Her husband’s obsession with money is quite frankly destroying their marriage, and she’s thinking about a divorce.

She really does not want to get divorced from her husband, as it will be tumultuous, but she isn’t sure how they can stay together.

“But not to get too detailed, my husband doesn’t want to have a second kid with me ’cause it would be too expensive, and I want another one,” she added.

“So, on top of crying when I’m near him, I’m utterly heartbroken and don’t even see a point in being married anymore.”

“…Is it time to be honest and tell my husband that I think we need to seriously consider a divorce/ give me the opportunity to be happy with the baby without worrying about money and eventually be able to have a second kid?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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