Her Boyfriend Suggested They Go Look At Wedding Dresses For Her, Then Accused Her Of Making Him Feel Like There’s A Lot Of Pressure To Propose

A 24-year-old woman has been with her boyfriend, who is 4 years older than her, for over a year and a half now, and by all means, things with them have been moving very fast.

4 months into dating her boyfriend, he wanted her to move in with him. Now, they’re discussing having a baby later on this year.

She does think everything with her boyfriend is going great, and she does really want to begin a family with him soon.

“I have discussed in the past that one of my goals is to be married before I get pregnant or have kids because it’s really important to me to feel like I have a real family (my parents were never married and later separated so I have always wanted the opposite) and he understands but says he’s not ready for marriage so he’d be willing to push back trying for a baby,” she explained.

Over the last few days, her younger sister has been sleeping over at their place since one of her roommates has COVID and she’s scared to get sick.

Her sister is already married, though her husband is currently in the navy. Anytime her sister sees her being affectionate with her boyfriend, she makes joking comments about being lonely without her husband, and when her sister does this, she teases her back that she isn’t a wife yet.

The other day, she went to lunch with her sister and her boyfriend, and as they were driving back home, they saw a new shopping center with a bridal boutique.

She did say out loud in the car that the dress featured in the boutique’s window was gorgeous, and her boyfriend insisted that they all should go look at the wedding dresses.

She tried to tell her boyfriend that she did not want to do that, but it was too late and he had already pulled into the parking lot of the shopping center.

Kirill Grekov – stock.adobe.com

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She, her boyfriend, and her sister walked up to the bridal boutique, only to find out they couldn’t go inside without an appointment.

As they made their way over to their car, she teased her boyfriend that it was not fair of him to take her wedding dress shopping since she cannot wear one anytime soon given the fact that they’re not even engaged.

That evening, her sister turned in for the night and she confronted her boyfriend about the wedding dresses.

“…I told him that the dress incident hurt my feelings because it felt like he was dangling something I want in front of me when I knew I couldn’t actually have it,” she said.

“He got upset and said he just thought I would be fun, which I understand as we talk about our future a lot, but that didn’t change my feelings.”

“He then said he felt I was pressuring him into marrying me and that we’ve only been together 1.5 years.”

She does not agree with him at all, since they have not done a single thing in their relationship on what other couples would consider to be a normal timeline, and she thinks that if they want to be together forever it doesn’t matter how long they have been dating they should just get married.

Her boyfriend maintained that he considered looking at the wedding dresses to be an exciting activity for them, but she went and blew things out of proportion.

“Mind you, before we meet he was previously engaged to someone he was with since high school but they broke up a couple of months afterward so I understand why he might have hesitation with me, but I don’t understand why he would tell me wants a future with me then,” she continued.

After their chat, her boyfriend became agitated and accused her of trying to force him to do what he doesn’t want to do.

He then went to sleep on their couch, and she has no idea if she really did something bad here or not by confronting him about his lack of commitment while wanting to look at wedding dresses.

This is certainly a confusing situation. How would you feel? You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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