Her Husband Cheated On Her While She Was Pregnant, They Still Live In The Same House, And Now He Wants To Bring His Baby That He Had With The Other Woman Around To Stay There

innarevyako - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
innarevyako - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A woman was pregnant and married when she sadly found out that her husband was cheating on her with another woman.

Her husband also got this other woman pregnant and ended up having a child with her too. She only learned about all of this after her husband’s second child was already born.

“I have never been okay with this,” she explained. “It’s exactly the kind of trash I tried so hard to have NOT be part of my life.”

“If it was possible, I would have divorced him by now, but I’m stuck at a legal dead end, and it’s not possible. We have a legal and emotional separation agreement, though.”

“Since he travels a lot, and between the baby, my parents, and my career, I’ve been able to avoid thinking too much about it.”

Her husband’s second child was born about 2 years ago, and her husband has never really brought up bringing this child over to their house until now.

Technically, the house that she lives in with her husband belongs to her, but they both live there, and it’s their marital residence.

Her mom and dad’s names are on the house, and it was given to her when her parents had to be admitted to a nursing home.

“I guess he has some kind of schedule with the other child’s mother that includes visits, and he wants that visitation to be in what is technically still his residence,” she said. “Absolutely NOT.”

innarevyako – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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“I’m not a stepmother to any child, and unlike in most of these situations, the house we’re living in is truly only mine.”

“My husband and our families say that I need to deal with it because I am still married, that I need to accept my “stepchild,” and that I’m a witch for excluding a baby and preventing siblings from having a relationship.”

While her husband’s second child is related to her own child, she has zero interest in spending time with this other child at all.

She doesn’t want to have a relationship with this child, and she doesn’t want her own child having a relationship with this child either.

She feels that inviting this child into her house is allow “trash” to leak into her life and her child’s life.

She’s left wondering if she truly is “crazy” for wanting to put her foot down and not let this child come to her house to stay over.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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