His Girlfriend Insulted His Mom’s Cooking, So He Told Her That She Was Being A Toddler And It Was Best For Her To Go Have A Seat At The Kid’s Table

Rido - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Rido - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 33-year-old man is in a relationship with his 30-year-old girlfriend, but after what just happened at his mom’s house, it’s anyone’s guess as to if they will be staying together.

This man has a 2-year-old son that he had along with one of his closest friends that he never really wound up dating, and they share custody.

His girlfriend has met his son, and they get along wonderfully. Although he has been with his girlfriend for 10 months, she never got to meet his mom and dad due to the pandemic and the fact that they don’t live in the same state.

Pretty recently, his mom asked him to come to visit her in Seattle and bring his girlfriend and son too, so he said yes.

They ended up going over to her house for dinner one night, and that was the first time his girlfriend got to meet his mom.

They all arrived at his mom’s, and things seemed off to a good start. His girlfriend got to meet his entire family.

The dinner setup was such that all 9 of the kids were sitting at one table, and all the adults were seated at a different table.

“My mom served the food, and we ate,” he explained. “It was mainly Filipino food, but she made very plain side dishes as well (mashed potatoes, plain rice, steamed veggies, etc.) for everyone to choose, in case someone didn’t like the Filipino dishes too much.”

His sister-in-law is not really fond of Filipino food, so she always eats the plain sides that his mom makes without any complaints.

Rido – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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That night, when his mom inquired as to if everyone liked the food, his sister-in-law even teased his mom about the other dishes being too hot for her to handle so that she would stick to the plain things.

His girlfriend, on the other hand, literally said to his mom’s face that her food was “pretty inedible” after she had already marked to him that the food was “gross.”

He had already informed his girlfriend to keep quiet and not hurt his mom’s feelings by telling her that she hated her cooking.

Instead of trying to be nice, his girlfriend was really rude about it; in front of his entire family.

“My mother was hurt, and she called my GF rude and impolite,” he said. “I agreed. My GF got angry at me…”

“I told her if she wants to act like a toddler, she is free to join my son at the kid table.”

He’s left wondering if he took things too far by telling his girlfriend she could go sit with the kids for her behavior.

Do you think he picked the right way to stand up for his mom?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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