She Got Trapped In The Stockroom At Work And It Took Forever For Anyone To Find Her

Leah Kennell, a woman from Copenhagen, recently got trapped at her job– and it took a very long time for anyone to find her.

She was working at a shop in the city of Kobenhavn and was having a pretty rough day to begin with.

Leah had already worked for twelve hours, and her shift was not even over yet.

So, as anyone might, she had a little cry out of frustration. Then, in an effort to recollect herself, Leah decided to go into the back room and do a restock.

That’s when her shift took an even worse turn.

“What the…There is no data or wifi in this room, and I just walked in, and the door handle broke,” Leah began in a TikTok video.

She then showed the handle, which was able to spin around completely but would not catch.

“God really said let me just make your day a little worse,” Leah continued.

TikTok; pictured above is Leah in her video

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In turn, without a working handle and left with zero cell service, she was forced to just sit and wait for someone to find her.

Leah continued to update how long she had been left in the backroom. And, while stuck there, she finished her restock and found a piece of chocolate to snack on.

And once her time in the backroom hit an hour, Leah also described feeling offended. What if she had become injured? Where were her coworkers?

Finally, after nearly two hours, the manager found her. But, what the manager said was Leah’s last straw.

“My boss asked why I didn’t just turn the lock and pull. Honestly, I had been at work for twelve hours, and my will to live was pretty low. So, I just kind of gave up,” she said.

Thankfully, though, another manager did ask if Leah was okay. They also offered her a piece of chocolate cake.

“Anyway, thank you all for the concern. I did not, in fact, die,” Leah said to her TikTok followers.

Plus, the three video series of her whole ordeal collectively reached over 15.4 million people and gained 3.3 million likes.

People around the globe cracked jokes about the situation while also sharing their concern.

“At least you’re getting paid,” one user commented.

“Rumor has it she is still there to this day,” joked a second user.

“Glad you’re okay and free of the restock room,” wrote a third.

To watch Leah’s original TikTok, you can visit the link here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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