This Dad Is Paying For His Stepson To Attend College, But He’s Not Paying For His Daughter To Do The Same

Rido - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Rido - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 39-year-old guy became a dad at the incredibly young age of 18. Back then, he had no idea that his girlfriend was pregnant, and he split up with her before she knew that too.

After she did learn that she was pregnant, she promised that he had to be the father of her unborn child, though he really had his doubts about it.

His ex went on to have a little girl, and he’s convinced there’s still a good chance his daughter Darla is not his at all.

Even though he had serious concerns about who Darla’s real dad was, his own mom and dad made him give Darla his last name, and they also made him step up to pay for Darla’s childcare costs, even though he had no money, so his parents paid for that.

“As I said, I never really had a relationship with Darla, but I would see her every once in a while when she was in my parent’s house with her mother,” he explained.

“Darla’s mom hates me for whatever reason, too, so that made our relationship even more distant.”

“When I was 25, I met a woman (f38) in college, she had a 4-year-old kid (Brian) at the time. After dating for some time, we got married, and we have two more kids together.”

He’s been raising Brian like his own son ever since, as Brian’s dad was never a part of his life. Brian truly is his son, and Brian calls him dad.

This fall, Brian will be going to college, and he’s paying for Brian’s entire education. Somehow, Darla’s mom learned that he’s paying for Brian’s college education, and she’s furious that he’s not paying for Darla to go to college.

Rido – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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Darla was also supposed to go to college this year like Brian, but Darla’s mom did not have enough money to send her.

Darla’s mom has involved his family members in all of this, and his loved ones believe that he’s favoring Brian over Darla.

“I think it’s obvious that I would pay for his tuition because I did have a relationship with Brian but not with Darla,” he said.

He’s curious if he should have agreed to give Darla money for college too, even though Darla is not a part of his life at all.

Do you think he should pay for Darla like he’s paying for Brian?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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