After Her Brother Lost Everything And His Family Had To Move In With Her, She Gave One Of Her Nieces Their Own Room With An En Suite And Put The Other Niece In The Same Room As Her Brother And Sister-In-Law, And Now Her Sister-In-Law Is Accusing Her Of Treating The Girls Differently 

pololia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
pololia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Unfortunately, this woman’s brother recently lost everything. So, he was forced to ask if she and her husband would take in his family for a few months.

And she ultimately agreed, allowing her brother, his wife, his daughter, and his stepdaughter to move in. Her brother’s daughter, named Jane, is fourteen, and his stepdaughter, Eve, is fifteen.

Anyway, she and her husband currently live in a three-bedroom home. Their bedroom and her office are located on the second floor; meanwhile, she has a guest bedroom on the first floor of her house.

So, while getting ready for her brother’s family to move in, she and her husband prepared the guest bedroom– intending for her brother, sister-in-law, and Eve to sleep in there together.

Next, she moved everything from her office into her bedroom and prepared that room as a makeshift bedroom for Jane.

Then, by the time her brother and his family arrived, she showed them all the sleeping arrangements. Immediately, though, her sister-in-law reportedly asked why there was a second bed in the guest room.

And at that point, she explained how it was for her brother’s stepdaughter, Eve– who would be bunking with her brother and sister-in-law.

Then, she revealed that her other niece, Jane, would be getting a separate bedroom upstairs– that comes equipped with an en suite bathroom.

After learning that, though, her sister-in-law was seriously angry and accused her of being a jerk for treating the two girls so differently.

pololia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

But, based on her response, it became pretty clear that she only really views Jane as her niece.

“I told her my priority here is to make sure my niece is comfortable and that she should appreciate that I didn’t let them become homeless,” she told her sister-in-law. Yikes.

It is also important to note that her brother and sister-in-law have been together for four years and married for one. So, it is not like Eve just entered her life.

At the same time, though, she claims that her nieces really do not get along. In fact, Jane and Eve reportedly hate it whenever anyone calls them sisters, so she does not think having them sleep together would work out.

Finally, she also revealed that she and her husband really value their privacy. And for some reason, they are most comfortable with Jane living upstairs with them as opposed to her brother, sister-in-law, or Eve.

“I am not the only one living there. My husband also likes to come home and go upstairs, where he can relax without having any guests around,” she explained.

“Our niece is like our baby, and we both enjoy having her company after a long day of work. We want to help them, but our comfort is more important to us.”

Nonetheless, her sister-in-law has remained pretty furious at her and still thinks she acted like a real jerk. So now, she has been left wondering if giving one of her nieces a separate bedroom upstairs and the rest of her brother’s family one room to share was the wrong thing to do or not.

If you were her sister-in-law, would you be upset about the different treatment of Jane and Eve also? At the same time, do you believe it is fair for her to decide the sleeping arrangements in her own home? What do you think about her prioritization of Jane over Eve? How would you suggest she reconcile this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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