Her Coworker Accused Her Of Trying To “Hide Her True Personality” Because She Opts To Wear A Wig At Work, And Now A Few Of Her Other Colleagues Have Been Bullying Her Around The Office

This young woman is 21 years old and recently started working at her first corporate job. She has been with her company for about three months now, and last year, she also started dying her hair.
So, approximately every two months since then, she has opted to change her hair color and experiment with new ones. But, at work, she has made sure to always show up wearing a long black wig.
“And it does not look fake at all since I am south Asian with natural black hair anyway,” she explained.
Just recently, though, she ran into an issue with one of her colleagues regarding her hair.
It all began after she started becoming friendlier with her coworker, and they decided to follow her on Instagram. But then, after her coworker saw some photos of her at a concert with much shorter, violet-colored hair, he was reportedly shocked.
Then, when they both arrived at work the following day, and her coworker saw her again with long black hair, he was confused.
He also decided to joke around and commented, “You didn’t tell me that you had a twin sister. Was that her on your Instagram story last night?”
Now, she simply told her coworker “no” and clarified that it was definitely her on Instagram. She also informed him that she was simply wearing a wig and always chose to whenever she had to work.
That answer did not satisfy her coworker, though, and he proceeded to ask more questions. More specifically, he wanted to know why she felt like it was necessary to wear a wig.

Rawpixel.com – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
“And I just said I don’t know, I think I like to make a certain appearance at work and keep it separate,” she recalled.
While that is understandable, though, her coworker just did not get it. Instead, he claimed that wearing a wig was “way too much work” and even began gossiping about her hair preferences with a few other colleagues.
Then, her other coworkers basically started bullying her about it. They claimed that she was going “way overboard” in an attempt to “hide her true personality.” Some even began calling her “Ms. Uptight” whenever they walked by her.
“I also dress in a more formal style than others, so that contributed to the name as well, I guess,” she added.
Despite that, she still was not okay with her coworkers mocking her because of her appearance. So, she kindly asked them to stop, but her effort just backfired. Instead, she claims that her colleagues only made it worse and became more defensive.
So now, she is at a loss about what to do. She realizes that she could just stop wearing a wig to work and show up “normally.” Quite honestly, though, she really enjoys the way she dresses and looks at work. Plus, she is reportedly not planning on staying at her company for the long term– since she revealed that she would be “out of there” in just a few months anyway.
Nonetheless, she still regrets adding her coworker on Instagram in the first place. And now, his comments have started to bug her. So, she has been left wondering whether always wearing a wig at work and “hiding her true personality” somehow makes her a jerk or not.
Why do you think her coworkers care so much about her hairstyle choices? Do you believe that by wearing a wig, she is really “hiding” her true personality? Are her colleagues’ comments enough for her to issue a report to human resources? How would you handle this harassment if you were in her shoes?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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