She Was Expected To Buy Her Husband Breakfast On Her Own Birthday, So She Asked Him To Pay Her Back, But Her Husband Did Not Think That Was Fair

Olga Miltsova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual breakfast
Olga Miltsova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual breakfast

This twenty-eight-year-old woman is currently married to her husband, who is twenty-six, and she claims that he is downright horrible with money.

So, she normally takes out whatever funds are needed for bills and expenses from her husband’s paycheck.

Then, she learned to never count on whatever cash was left over because he has a history of always blowing it.

“Every. Single. Time,” she said.

Now, her husband reportedly thinks that he spends the money on useful items. But, she claims that is never really the case.

In turn, she took over the management of all their household bills to ensure that they got paid.

She also made a little disclaimer explaining how it is not like she is managing just her husband’s money.

In fact, she also works, too, and reportedly contributes just as much, if not more, to her and her husband’s bills.

Olga Miltsova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual breakfast

And because of that, her husband does end up having less “spending money” than she does each month. However, that is just because she earns a higher salary.

She uses most of her extra “spending money” on things that benefit her entire family, too.

“Like groceries, household needs, stuff for the kids, and their extracurricular activities,” she noted.

Plus, if there is anything left over in her own budget, she will usually buy her husband whatever he wants when he has no money left in his.

Just a couple of days ago, though, it was her birthday. And that morning, she decided to send some money to her mother. That way, her mom could pick up some breakfast and deliver it to her at work.

However, her husband ended up asking for some food, too.

So, she told her husband that was fine but claimed he needed to pay her back out of his own money the following day.

Rather than saying that was okay, though, her husband actually got really annoyed. Apparently, he claimed that he did not have a ton of money to spend on himself for breakfast since he had just contributed to bills and savings.

“We have just put down a payment on a car and are saving the rest to pay off,” she added.

Quite frankly, though, she did not have a lot of money left either. After all, she had just put a huge chunk of change into their shared savings.

And honestly, she just thought that a breakfast treat from her husband on her birthday would have been a nice gesture.

But, it is clear that her husband did not agree with that. So now, she has been left wondering whether making her husband pay her back for his breakfast actually makes her a jerk or not.

Why do you think her husband is so bad with money? Do you believe he is a compulsive spender, or might he just be immature or selfish? Is it wrong of her to expect her partner to pay for her breakfast on her birthday? How would you have felt in this situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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