
Her Mom Bought Her A Weight Watchers Subscription For Christmas And Threatened To Cut Off Communication Unless She Lost Weight, So She Accused Her Mom Of Being “The Reason Why Fat People Hate Themselves”

Plus, her mother claimed that she would die if she did not start a weight loss journey.

On top of that, her mother reportedly said that she could not enable her anymore. So, until she drops down to a normal weight, her mother claimed she would cut off contact.

Plus, her mother also wants her to break up with her boyfriend, who her mother believes is enabling her, too.

“But that is a whole different story, good lord,” she added.

Anyway, she did not speak with her mother for a little while after this. However, on Christmas, she received details and log-in information for a new Weight Watchers account.

Apparently, her mom had paid for a trial for her as a Christmas present and encouraged her to “just give it a go.” Plus, her mom claimed that if she did not like it, then she did not have to lose any weight.

In spite of the gesture, though, she was honestly just really annoyed by her mom’s words and “present.” So, she ended up telling her mom off and accusing her of being fatphobic.

“I told her that her attitude is what gets fat people to hate themselves because they believe they are not good enough,” she recalled.

If you could not have guessed it, though, her mother did not like hearing that. Instead, she got accused of being a disrespectful brat who was not raised “that way.”

Her mother also claimed that they could not speak anymore just because of how angry she made her mom.

So, she is honestly starting to feel really bad about damaging her relationship with her mom and has now been left wondering if accusing her mom of being the reason that “fat people hate themselves” was a really jerky thing to do.

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