Her Wife Wants Them To Move To Japan, But Her Dream Will Financially Ruin Them, And She’s Not Sure How To Address It

deagreez - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
deagreez - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A 22-year-old girl has been married to her 23-year-old wife for several years now, and they first got together when they were back in high school.

From the moment she started dating her wife, she knew her wife dreamed of getting to move to Japan.

They graduated 2 years ago now, and since then, her wife began picking up language classes, hoping that it would help her get accepted into the JET Program.

The JET Program is managed by Japan’s government and allows participants to work in schools in Japan, as well as hold jobs in government offices or on educational boards.

“With more than 55 countries around the world currently participating in JET, this program offers a unique cultural exchange opportunity to meet people from all around the world, living and working in Japan,” the JET Program’s website reads.

So, while her wife has been busy studying, she’s been working, and she’s the only one bringing money into their household.

“We currently live in an apartment between the two of us, and I’ve mentioned to her getting a part-time job to help out, which she has gotten a couple for a small window of time, but none have stuck,” she explained.

“Our rent is fairly high; my income can barely cover it with living expenses and her tuition.”

“We’ve been living super frugal for the last year, and I’m extremely frustrated by it. I’ve had to miss out on a lot of things because of this. I’ve brought this up on a couple of occasions, but she gets frustrated about it and says I’m being negative.”

deagreez – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This month, her wife will get to find out if she can participate in the JET Program or not. Even if her wife does get accepted, she’s convinced her wife’s dream will financially ruin them.

She just doesn’t understand how they can afford to move to Japan. She has also thought that she might have to not move, but even then, she can’t see how she could even afford to just send her wife over.

On top of that, she’s concerned about having to do a long-distance relationship. She is also really stressing out about what she and her wife will do if her wife does not get into the JET Program.

“How should I bring up my concerns without causing her to feel like I’m getting in the way of her dream?” she wondered.

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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