
He Got Accused Of Making His Friend Look Bad Because He Paid On Their Double Date, But His Friend Didn’t

“I tried to talk to her following the tips David gave me, but she barely responded and was mostly just looking at her phone,” he said.

“I just knew she was disappointed because of how unattractive I am compared to David and how clearly she was getting the short end of the stick on this date compared to Mia.”

“When the bill came, I paid for Brooke’s part and mine. David only paid for his, and Mia made a weird face when she realized but didn’t say anything about it.”

After the bill was paid, he and David walked the girls back to Mia’s dorm room. When they finally headed back alone to their own room, David became angry with him.

David then accused him of making him look bad for paying for Brooke. David also stated that he was just trying to show off the fact that he has more money than David does, but that wasn’t what he was trying to do at all.

David then mentioned he was dating way too many girls at once to be able to afford to pay for their meals, so he had to get the girls to pay for themselves.

“As I said, I don’t have any dating experience, and I believed the man paying was the usual thing to do,” he continued.

“I feel really bad for hurting his chances with Mia knowing how important it was for him, and I have apologized profusely multiple times, but he is still irritated because of all this.”

He’s left wondering if it was mean of him to pay for Brooke when David didn’t want to pay for Mia.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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