She Went On A First Date That Went Really Bad, And Then The Guy Asked If They Could Go On A Second Date To Start Over

ID 73224758 - © Syda Productions - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
ID 73224758 - © Syda Productions - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

First dates typically generate the strangest experiences. TikToker Holly (@hopewithholly) is talking about a very strange first date she went on not too long ago. From the get-go, the guy displayed a parade of red flags.

So it started off with a fun, positive energy. They were chatting, laughing, and having a great time. But as they discussed his past relationships, he mentioned how difficult relationships were because women always had to develop an emotional connection before becoming physical with a guy.

Holly pointed out that relationships were all about give and take. Men need to put in the effort to make an emotional connection, while women must put effort into their appearances because men tend to be visual creatures. It sounded like he just wanted a physical relationship without the emotional labor.

Near the end of the date, something shifted in his behavior. His energy levels decreased drastically, and he seemed sad. Holly asked him what happened, but he tried to brush it off.

Eventually, she persuaded him to spill what was on his mind. He told her that he just realized a pretty woman like herself probably had a lot of men lined up wanting to take her out on dates. She also had kids to raise and a business to run, so he didn’t think she would have much time for him.

He continued to sulk as Holly processed the information. Then, she told him that he was right, and she would not be able to give him the amount of time he desired in a relationship. She concluded by saying it was best if they didn’t move forward.

Afterward, his tune changed again, and he rushed to suggest they go on a second date to start over. However, it was too late. Holly had made up her mind now that he had exposed his true colors.

She did not want to pursue a relationship with someone who moped around and jumped to conclusions about her.

When she rejected his idea of a second date, he assumed she would be going on multiple dates with several different men to check out all her options, which made him upset because he wanted to be her only option.

ID 73224758 – © Syda Productions – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

It got pretty awkward after that, and they ended up just getting the check and parting ways.

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Emily  Chan is a writer who covers lifestyle and news content. She graduated from Michigan State University with a ... More about Emily Chan

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