She Went On A Trip With Her Grandparents, But They Have Been Fighting With Her Dad And Stepmom For Years Ever Since They Said They Don’t Want Anything To Do With Her Half-Sister

ID 30369278 - © Yobro10 - -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 30369278 - © Yobro10 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s terrible when you love relatives who just so happen to be feuding with each other.

One teenager wanted to go on a trip with her maternal grandparents, who have been fighting with her dad and stepmom for years ever since they expressed not wanting a relationship with her half-sister.

She’s 16-years-old, and when she was only a baby, her mom sadly passed away, and her dad remarried within a year.

When she was three, her dad and stepmom had her younger sister. Her mom’s side of the family still wanted a relationship with her, but despite her dad’s wishes, they didn’t want one with her new half-sister.

Her mom’s family eventually told her dad and stepmom that they refused to treat her and her half-sister equally.

“My stepmom ended up adopting me in an effort to sever contact with my maternal side of the family,” she explained.

“But my maternal grandparents went to court for grandparents’ visitation rights, which they were granted.” 

Under the court’s conditions, she visited with her grandparents and mom’s family a handful of times a year.

But when she turned 12, her dad gave her permission to see her grandparents as often as she pleased since he could tell that was important to her.

ID 30369278 – © Yobro10 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Unfortunately, this situation still bugs her half-sister, who doesn’t understand why she and her mom haven’t been invited to spend time with that side of her family.

“I explained to her that my mom died before I could get to know her and that it’s nice being with the people who were very close to her and that I can ask them questions I can’t ask my dad,” she said.

“She didn’t understand that because my stepmom adopted me. She believed for so long that it meant my mom was no longer my mom at all, and I became her mom’s daughter completely.”

Fast forward to July, when she got invited on a big trip with her mom’s relatives. Her dad and stepmom told her they didn’t want her to go because her little sister had found out about it and was very upset that she wasn’t invited. They told her that if she went, she’d break her sister’s heart.

Then, her stepmom started guilt-tripping her, telling her that after all these years of being her adopted daughter and everything they’ve been through, she should stop taking her late mom into consideration and think of her as the only mom she’s ever had.

Despite her dad and stepmom trying their best to lay on the guilt, she went on the trip with her maternal relatives and had a great time. But since she got back, her immediate family has been very upset with her, and her sister accused her of leaving her out.

Was she right to go on vacation with her mom’s family? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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