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She’s Pretty Sure That Her Husband Is Getting Way Too Close To One Of His Female Friends And It’s Dividing Their Family

Prostock-studio - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A woman is married to her husband, who is in his 40s, and he’s the kind of guy who’s super outgoing.

He’s likable and personable, and it’s easy for him to get others to enjoy being around him because of who he is.

Her mother-in-law helps victims of domestic abuse, and through that program, her mother-in-law recently met a girl named Penny, who is in her 20s.

Penny not only got help from the program her mother-in-law works with; Penny then started working at the place where her mother-in-law does.

“My mother-in-law does not drive, so my husband drives her to work every day since both her house and her job are on the way to where he works,” she explained.

“Penny lives down the street from my mother-in-law and also does not drive, so my mother-in-law volunteered for my husband to drive her to work as well, since Penny just walks to my MIL’s house, and he picks both of them up from there, my MIL figured it was no extra hassle.”

“I don’t know Penny’s exact situation, other than she has severe PTSD. She’s a very nice girl (…she’s just very small and shy and quiet, which makes her seem a lot younger), but she doesn’t open up to people easily.”

Penny is quite comfortable around her husband, as she does see him every day, though Penny doesn’t much care for her.

Anytime Penny is having a conversation with her husband, she laughs and speaks a lot, but if she enters the conversation, Penny stops speaking.

Prostock-studio – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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