This 13-Year-Old Boy Was Selling Lemonade In 102 Degree Heat So He Could Raise Enough Money To Go To A Soccer Tournament, And Now His Viral Story Has Generated Over $17,000 On GoFundMe

Over the past two years, countless people have begun using the power of TikTok for charitable change.
The creators– known as “serial tippers”– publicize everyday encounters with people from all walks of life who are in need of some financial support.
These videos are typically coupled with a Venmo or Cash App username and prompt people from across the globe to donate funds directly to the person in need.
Most recently, a TikTok posted by Lexy Burke– a Nashville-based serial tipper– generated over one thousand dollars for a thirteen-year-old boy named Niko.
Niko had been sitting outside in one hundred and two degrees heat selling lemonade for hours before Lexy and her boyfriend, Austin, passed by the stand.
They learned that the boy is on a competitive soccer team, and he received an opportunity to compete in Portugal.
The only problem was that his father did not have enough money to send him outside the country. So, Niko had to come up with half of the travel costs in order to play in his tournament.
“Alright, guys, so here’s the deal. Since we have been doing the Venmo Challenge, we have always said we wanted to tip a kid doing a lemonade stand. Kids do not work these days,” Lexy and Austin began in their first video.
TikTok; pictured above is Niko with his lemonade stand
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The couple told their followers they had thirty minutes to generate as much money as possible for Niko. And the TikTok community did just that.
One hour later, after the couple went to the bank to take out the funds, Niko was informed of the life-changing donation from people around the globe.
Instead of earning three dollars for the glass of lemonade he sold to Lexy, he received one thousand and one hundred dollars.
“What the heck!? Thank you so much!” Niko said in shock before immediately hugging Lexy, “I’m going to Portugal!”
“There is no reason I should have been here, but it’s crazy that I was here at the right time, and you guys saw me,” Niko added.
Afterward, the boy Facetimed his father, who got to meet Lexy and Austin. The couple also waited with Niko to make sure he was picked up safely from the lemonade stand.
The heartwarming series of TikToks have since gained a collective thirty-three million views, over five million likes, and tens of thousands of comments.
People around the globe applauded Niko’s determination to get to Portugal and were ecstatic that he was rewarded for his efforts.
“I love that his parents gave him independence and are teaching him the value of earning money. He is going places,” commented one user.
“This changed that kid’s life forever,” wrote a second user.
“I am in tears!!! I am so happy for him,” commented a third.
And since Niko’s story has gone ultra-viral, countless community members have wanted to donate even more to his soccer journey.
So, Lexy and Austin launched a GoFundMe campaign for Niko with a goal of three thousand and three hundred dollars. It has since generated over seventeen thousand dollars for the boy in just four days.
To learn more about Niko or donate to the fundraiser, you can visit the link here. Or, to watch Lexy’s original TikTok that started it all, you can visit the link here.
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