His Girlfriend Demanded That He Buy A Brand-New Mattress Because Other Girls Have Clearly Slept On It

Drobot Dean - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Drobot Dean - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A guy has a girlfriend who has been demanding that he go out and purchase a brand-new mattress…

…Simply because she’s upset that he had relationships before her, and clearly, other girls have already slept on his mattress.

The thing is, he really does enjoy the mattress he already owns. It’s super comfy, and it’s high quality, so he doesn’t see why he should go out and get another one.

He did let his girlfriend know that he was not going to be bowing down to her demand.

But he did say that if she feels so strongly about him having a brand new mattress that no other girls have slept on, she is welcome to buy a new mattress for him.

Needless to say, she didn’t take that reply well at all, and she’s currently mad at him for not saying yes to spending his own money on a new mattress.

One person helpfully pointed out to him, “I get where she might be coming from, but that’s on her to get over that mental block.”

“I mean, a good mattress is expensive. What’s next, replacing every piece of furniture your exes’ have sat on?”

“The only request that I could understand would be if you all were moving in together and/or getting married and getting a bigger, nicer bed for the two of you. But this just isn’t a reasonable request.”

Drobot Dean – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“If she can’t get over this, I don’t know, you might have to, uh, get a new girlfriend.”

Do you think his girlfriend’s request is reasonable or not? Would you ever expect someone to go out and purchase a new mattress because people they were in a relationship with before had obviously slept there?

You can read his original post on Reddit here, along with the helpful advice internet strangers offered up to him.

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