Her Boyfriend Admitted He Cheated On Her, But He Lied About The Severity, And She Only Just Got The Whole Scoop From The Girl He Cheated On Her With

grigvovan - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
grigvovan - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old girl has a boyfriend who is 29, and close to a year ago, her boyfriend wound up cheating on her.

He went on a family vacation last February, and that’s when it all went down. Her boyfriend did admit that he cheated on her, but he said that it was a one-night thing.

He said that he blacked out and “casually” hooked up with another girl. She was able to find forgiveness in her heart, though it took her some time to be able to forgive her boyfriend fully.

It really was a process, forgiving her boyfriend, and he wasn’t very helpful as she tried to get over what he did.

Her boyfriend constantly made her feel like she was in the wrong for taking her time to heal from his behavior.

“Fast forward, and we are about to move in together,” she explained. “I hadn’t felt restful about the situation for a fair few months, and part of me felt something was off.”

“The thought of messaging the girl he had cheated with came into my head a few weeks back, and a few days ago, I took the plunge and just asked for her view of events. As I suspected, it wasn’t just a blacked-out evening but had spanned a week.”

“He even continued to hang out with her romantically and message her AFTER (sleeping with her) had happened. Throughout, they were kissing and acting couple-y. There was chat of it continuing after.”

She feels like she’s really stuck here because this did happen in the past, and her boyfriend has been making an effort to be his best self.

grigvovan – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She can honestly say her relationship with her boyfriend has been wonderful since cheating on her, but she is beginning to focus on how badly he betrayed her by lying about the severity of his cheating.

Her boyfriend had no problem keeping the details a secret, even though he did have plenty of chances to own up fully to what he did.

Looking back, her boyfriend was quick to gaslight her as she was trying to get over everything, and he also made her feel like she was “crazy.”

“He admitted this was all to save his own skin as he was scared to lose me,” she said. ‘He allowed me to sign a LEASE on a flat with him for a year, knowing I did not know the facts.”

“Even now, I feel like I’m having to direct him in what a ‘good man’ should do. I had to tell him to unfollow the girl he cheated with, I had to tell him to go get therapy, I had to tell him the values that he broke when he did this, I had to tell him to go and unfollow all the girls he follows on Instagram for the sole purpose of them being attractive (something stemming from my insecurity about the situation.)”

“It’s still very fresh, but my head is absolutely frazzled. I care about him deeply, but it just doesn’t feel the same now. I’m unsure if it ever will. I want to be able to heal from this, but I don’t know where to even begin.”

Do you think she can realistically heal for a second time, or do you think she should walk away from this relationship?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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