Her Twin Sister Was Constantly Screaming At Her And Threatening To Revoke Her Title As Maid Of Honor, So Eventually, She Had Enough And Told Her Sister To Just Remove Her From The Wedding

In May 2024, this woman’s twin sister will be tying the knot. And according to her, her sister is “a textbook narcissist.”
For context, she was originally supposed to be the maid of honor in the event. But, she claims that her sister would constantly hold the title over her head– telling her that she was going to be demoted or removed from the bridal party altogether.
Plus, she claimed that whenever her sister would ask for her opinion, she would give an honest answer. That’s just the kind of person she is.
Her sister did not like that, though. In fact, her sister would always blow up, deflect any blame, and place it all on her.
“When she starts yelling, I stop talking and do something else– because, well, I don’t like getting yelled at, and don’t want to say something that will just make her yell even more,” she revealed.
Just a few days ago, a similar incident happened too– which caused her to finally tell her sister to remove her from the wedding.
It all began after the pair went out to lunch, and during the meal, they started to discuss some wedding plans.
Eventually, she also asked her sister whether or not the maid of honor would be wearing a different dress. Apparently, she was only asking to get a better idea of her sister’s vision.
For whatever reason, though, that question completely enraged her twin. In fact, her sister started screaming and accusing her of “making everything about herself” by assuming that she would still be the maid of honor.

Anntuan – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Although, she seemingly just ignored her sister’s freakout– as she always tries to do. Then, they eventually moved on to the topic of overnight guests and where they would be sleeping.
Apparently, her sister’s wedding is being held at a 4-H camp– which means there will be cabins and camping areas on the property.
And after learning that a while ago, her mother revealed that she was planning to rent an Airbnb because her mom did not want to stay in an unfurnished cabin.
So, she decided to make light of the situation and told her sister a joke. More specifically, she joked that they could camp out in a pop-up tent in the back of their truck– since they already do that almost every weekend.
Yet again, though, her twin took her comment way too seriously and completely lost it. Her sister claimed to have already had that conversation with her fiancé and knew that their mother was not going to want to camp out the night before a wedding.
Now, she obviously had no idea that her sister and fiancé had had the same discussion multiple times already. Regardless, though, her sister kept screaming, and she shut down.
But her sister was not done there. Instead, her twin kept going on about how negative she was being and how she had an attitude.
Her sister also claimed that she would not deal with her maid of honor “acting like that” during the wedding or bachelorette party.
Shockingly, though, she revealed how she was not even mad or upset with her sister at that point.
“I just wanted to move on to something else. But, I was getting yelled at for always starting fights when we talk about wedding planning,” she recalled.
Anyway, her sister eventually decided that it was time to head out of the restaurant. Then, once they made it to the car, they actually sat in the parking lot while her sister yelled at her for 10 more minutes about the same issues.
Now, she really wanted to just get out of that situation. But she had driven to lunch with her sister, and her car was still 20 minutes away at that time. So, there was no escaping it.
A while later, though, the pair did finally make it back to her sister’s apartment. And at that point, she tried to gather her things to leave, but her sister just kept yelling. Apparently, she got accused of not caring about her sister or not wanting her sister in her life since she “never told her anything.”
Her sister also had the nerve to ask if she was going to have her sister in her own bridal party since she is currently engaged right now, too.
“And she was LIVID when I told her no because I was planning on eloping in a different country, but that she was welcome to buy a plane ticket if she wanted to come. Then, I walked out,” she explained.
After that whirlwind of an afternoon, she also decided never to put herself in that same situation again. So, she ended up texting her sister and asking to be removed from her wedding entirely.
She pointed out how her sister clearly did not want her in it, mainly because her twin was so quick to threaten her title as maid of honor every other day. Finally, she also does not want to be the scapegoat for anything that goes wrong on her sister’s big day.
“If she wants to blame someone for ruining her wedding day, she would have to find someone else because I am not going to let it be me,” she vented.
Still, though, ever since telling her sister to remove her from the wedding, she has been left wondering whether that was the right move or not.
Why do you think her twin sister treats her so badly? Would you tolerate your sibling constantly screaming at you like that? Do you believe she dodged a bullet by removing herself from the wedding? If you had been in her shoes, would you have done the same thing?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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