He Solely Took Care of His Parents During Their Final Days, But They Ended Up Leaving His Siblings Basically Their Entire Inheritance Since He Makes More Money

ID 21758885 - © Hannamonika - Dreamstime.com -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
ID 21758885 - © Hannamonika - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Have you ever felt like you’ve given someone so much only to be given nothing in return?

One man solely took care of his parents during their final days but was shocked to learn that his parents left his siblings almost their entire inheritance because he makes more money than them.

He doesn’t have the best relationships with his brothers and sisters. Much of their tension stems from money, as he makes much more than them and lives a much more comfortable lifestyle. He was, however, very close with his parents. 

He took care of his parents during their final days and paid for all of their expenses since his siblings couldn’t.

“During our parents’ last years, I was the only one in a position to help them,” he said.

“I paid for whatever care they needed and made sure they were comfortable. My siblings sometimes visited our parents, but none contributed to their care. I also paid the taxes and maintenance of their house. We never discussed their wills beyond them letting me know they existed.”

When his dad passed away, he left everything to his mom. Then, when his mom died, he found out that she left most of her and his dad’s inheritance to his siblings. The only portion he received was a minority ownership in their house. 

His mom wrote letters to all her children, and in his, she explained that she left almost everything to his siblings because he could support himself better than they could and has more money. However, he was very upset by this, considering he was the only one out of all of his siblings to financially support his parents during their final years.

Now, he’s unsure of what to do about the house, which his siblings want him to sell.

ID 21758885 – © Hannamonika – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“My siblings immediately wanted to sell the house to cash out,” he explained.

“I don’t know the market value, but the tax value is about $750,000. My siblings are begging me to agree to sell or buy them out because they can’t afford their portion of the taxes and maintenance, and they can’t afford to buy me out.”

He’s holding out on his siblings and is still hurt by his parents’ decision to the point where he doesn’t want to sell in order to spite them. His siblings are very upset with him, and his wife has told him he’s taken things too far.

“This is a messy situation all around,” he added.

“Sometimes I feel like my actions are justified, while at other times I feel like I’m just plain wrong.”

Is his anger valid, or should he let go of his resentment?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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