She Called Her Wedding Off Just 3 Days Before She Was Set To Walk Down The Aisle After She Learned About What Her Fiancé Did On The Night Of His Bachelor Party

Galina - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Galina - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 27-year-old woman was engaged to her 30-year-old fiancé, but she ended things with him just 3 days before she was set to walk down the aisle after she learned about what he did at his bachelor party.

Well before the evening of her fiancé’s bachelor party arrived, she sat down with him to discuss their boundaries around what would be happening.

She made it clear to her fiancé that he was not allowed to have any female entertainers there and that he also was not allowed to act in any way that wasn’t considered appropriate.

He agreed with her on all of these things, and they moved forward with organizing their bachelor and bachelorette parties, which fell on the exact same weekend.

“My friends and I had booked a yacht for my party, and we brought our own drinks and ordered takeout before we went, so most of our money was spent on the yacht,” she explained.

“We had a blast. All of us got very wasted, to be honest, and the next day when I returned home, I was suffering from a hangover, and my fiancé was kind of upset with me and believed I was being inappropriate.”

“For days, I felt guilty as if I had broken some kind of boundary when the worst thing I did was get drunk with my friends and sing karaoke and make our own party.”

She was under the impression that her fiancé had adhered to all of the things she asked him to do at his bachelor party, and that’s the reason why she was wracked with guilt for acting in a less than mature way at her bachelorette party.

Then, one of the women in her bridal party phoned her up to deliver some terrible news. This woman also happens to be the girlfriend of one of her fiancé’s groomsmen, and this guy was at the bachelor party.

Galina – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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Her bridesmaid told her through tears that she had a video from the bachelor party that she needed to send to her.

Well, let’s just say the video was absolutely wild, and her fiancé had clearly broken every single rule that she had set for him.

There were female entertainers at the party, and her fiancé had been not only dancing with all of them; he also touched them in ways that were so not ok.

She took the video straight to her fiancé, and they began arguing over it before her fiancé decided to say sorry and try to get her to forgive him for what he did.

He also tried to claim that she did some silly things at her own party, too and that they were pretty much even.

Her fiancé swore to her that he would never behave in that way ever again for the rest of his life, but she had already decided that couldn’t be further from the truth.

“I didn’t buy any of that, so I called off my wedding, and I announced it to my guests by sending them emails,” she said.

“I notified our families separately, and I’ve been called all names in the book by both families for doing so.”

“They said they understand why I might feel upset, but these things are normal to happen, and I should not let my emotions take over and how it’s irrational to call off a wedding which cost thousands over such a silly small thing.”

How her fiancé behaved isn’t a silly, forgivable thing in her book, and that’s why he’s currently her ex.

Her own mom and dad are not on her side, they have been accusing her of “embarrassing them” while also trying to push her to reconcile with her ex since she’s “throwing everything away.”

She’s left wondering if she is blowing things out of proportion or if she was right to call off her wedding 3 days before it was set to happen.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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