He Believes His Girlfriend Does Not Complete Her Chores Up To His Standards And Wants Her To Do More

Gabi Moisa - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Gabi Moisa - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This twenty-seven-year-old man has been dating his girlfriend for a while, and they are starting to get pretty serious. In fact, they currently live together, and he is hoping they can build a solid future together.

But, he has some concerns about how their household is run. More specifically, how exactly his girlfriend completes her share of the chores.

They both currently have stable jobs and work similar hours. And they always split cooking, cleaning, and any other general chores fifty-fifty.

“But it is not up to my standard, and it is causing unhappiness,” he said.

For example, his girlfriend apparently has a very “lax approach” to cooking. She likes to eyeball measurements and substitutes random ingredients whenever she does not have what the recipe calls for.

His girlfriend also apparently prides herself on making quick five-minute meals that include air frying chicken nuggets or hashbrowns. And sometimes, she just gives up on recipes halfway through and decides to wing it.

“I just don’t look forward to when it is her time to cook, but I think a fifty-fifty share of cooking is fair,” he explained.

And he claims that he is a totally different kind of chef in the kitchen if you will. He actually enjoys cooking and takes time to research new kinds of recipes to try out. He also does not mind spending an hour or two cooking to make himself and his girlfriend a good meal.

But, according to him, his girlfriend does not share the same affinity for the kitchen and just sees cooking as a tiring task.

Gabi Moisa – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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And aside from cooking, he also has a huge issue with how his girlfriend cleans up after using the kitchen.

She apparently leaves dishes in the sink for days and completes the cleaning at her own pace because she is often tired after work. Even though this is understandable, though, he really despises it.

So, he often just takes over the chore and ends up cleaning the dishes himself. He also claims that they have discussed these issues before and that his girlfriend said she understood. But, she apparently has not followed through with her actions, and he does not want to keep reminding her.

Moreover, he does not want to build up negative feelings toward his girlfriend over time.

“I like to see a relationship where it is a fifty-fifty split of chores. However, as our standards and abilities are different, it is difficult to maintain this without me potentially building resentment and unhappiness,” he vented.

“However, if I end up doing it all myself, I know that I am not that selfless and would feel as if she isn’t pulling her weight around the house.”

In turn, he basically is not sure if asking his girlfriend to do her chores more “up to his standards” would be a jerky thing to do or not.

If the chores are getting done, does it matter if they are up to his standards or not? Do you think he should bring this up with his girlfriend, and if so, how? What would you do in this situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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