As Soon As She Showed Up At A Restaurant For A Date With A Guy She Met Online, The Hostess Tipped Her Off To Something Being Wrong

Dating can be painfully difficult, particularly for women. Whether a guy was dreadfully dull, slacked on personal hygiene, or a huge mama’s boy, almost every woman has a bad date story to share that has sent them running for the door.
However, there are times when a date isn’t just horribly bad; it’s scary and potentially dangerous too!
Sally ( is a dating coach, and she revealed the story of a date that had gone wrong on TikTok.
Back then, Sally was new to the world of online dating. Looking back, she would not have done what she did.
She had met a guy online named Adam and consistently chatted with him every day for over a month, which she said was her first mistake. They exchanged text messages, shared photos, and scheduled nightly phone calls.
One day, Adam decided to book a reservation at a restaurant so they could finally meet up and hang out.
When Sally arrived at the restaurant on the day of the date, she approached the hostess and gave out the details of the man she was supposed to meet.
Immediately, the hostess bristled, and an uncomfortable expression flashed across her face.
That’s when Sally knew something bad was coming her way. As the hostess led her to the area where her date was sitting, a bald, very large man in his early sixties, who was clearly older than her own father, came into view. As Sally walked towards him, she detected the strong smell of body odor.

Wisky – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
At this point, Sally was understandably freaking out since this was not the man she had expected to show up.
The man, who claimed to be Adam, urged her to take a seat, but Sally refused to continue the date any longer due to how uncomfortable she was.
After she left the restaurant, he kept attempting to contact her, leaving awful voicemail messages where he called her names and made other threatening comments.
“You can say what you want, but somebody who is in their mid to late twenties is not typically interested in somebody who is older than their father,” said Sally.
Sally leaves her viewers with one crucial message: anytime you feel uncomfortable on a date, listen to your gut instinct and remove yourself from the situation, no matter what. Never put aside your own comfort just to make the other person more comfortable.
Do you have any scary date stories to share?
@sallyheartdotcom Bad (scary) date story time! #datingstorytime #datingstory #scarydate #dating #datinggonewrong
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