She Says She’s Over Using Grocery Deliver Services After A Shopper Poured His Heart Out To Her While Picking Out The Pistachio Pudding She Ordered

georgerudy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
georgerudy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever had a personal grocery shopper who behaved a little weirdly? With the development of food shopping and delivery services like Instacart, Amazon Fresh, and FreshDirect, come new challenges.

Now, the shopping for your kitchen is designated to a complete stranger who might not completely understand you or your preferences.

But what happens when your shopper suddenly pours their heart out to you over the in-app messaging system because of one item that you purchased?

Unfortunately, this is what happened to TikTok creator Bree Neal, @thatmombree, when she ordered from Instacart.

“Yesterday morning, I ordered some groceries,” she said. “They were supposed to be delivered at, like, 4:30.”

Given that she has used this service before, she was pretty confident in the process. But that changed with her experience this time around.

Bree said that she forgot that she had placed the order, and when she received the groceries, she realized that it was the wrong order.

“I’m like, ‘what is all this? I did not order any of this,'” she explained. “I’m looking at my receipt, and I’m like, ‘no! I didn’t order any of this! I only ordered like 16 items.'”

She immediately takes action with this mistake and contacts the company, letting them know that the order was wrong.

georgerudy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“They were like, ‘yep, you got the wrong order, um, we’ll put it out for redelivery, and it’ll be delivered to you at no charge. Don’t worry,'” she said.

Bree thought that this sounded like a great solution and hoped that this would be the end of the situation– but it wasn’t.

“A couple of hours later, my phone’s going off like crazy, so I check it out, and it says that the shopper is, like, replacing my items with other items,” she said.

“…They are terrible–terrible–at replacements. They don’t give you anything that’s even comparable.”

All that she wanted was some Scotch Tape, but her shopper kept refunding the product and not purchasing it.

“I messaged him,” Bree said. “This is where things got really strange.”

She told him to please purchase any Scotch Tape that was available in the store because she needed it to wrap presents.

“He said, ‘sorry, I already checked out,'” Bree explained. And then he went on to respond in the weirdest and longest, message.

Bree asked him to buy pistachio pudding, and he felt compelled to tell her how much that meant to him:

“When I seen the pudding, you know the pistachio pudding I bought fell on the floor, it took my breath away ‘cuz I’ve been thinking about my grandma all day today, and she was the only one that I know my whole life that ever made pistachio pudding,” he wrote to her.

“I feel her with me all the time, and when I seen that, I had an anxiety attack and had to hurry and get out of there.”

Yes, the entire message was one run-on sentence– and didn’t make much sense.

“That is hard to say without any punctuation,” Bree joked after reading the entire message to her viewers.

She thought if she just responded politely, that the conversation would end.

“But he kept going,” she said. Even though his behavior before was odd, it wasn’t as bad as what she was about to read in the message he sent next:

“I want you to always think of this day because I was literally in a parking lot going through it when I first pulled in there, and it took me a while to even start just ‘cuz I’ve been going through a lot you know, personally,” he wrote. “I just kept thinking of my grandma cuz I almost canceled your order.”

You might be wondering why he almost canceled or maybe what compelled him not to cancel. It was the pistachio pudding.

“She used you to communicate with me through pistachio pudding, and that’s the most amazing thing that’s happened to me while working for Instacart,” he continued.

Who ever thought that ordering your favorite pudding would give someone else a spiritual experience? But one thing’s for sure: he really felt his grandma come through in that pistachio pudding.

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