He Told His Aunt She Needs To Make Him A Partner In His Late Uncle’s Landscaping Business Since He’s Running The Whole Thing Without Her

Tomasz Zajda - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only
Tomasz Zajda - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

For the last six years, this man has worked for his uncle’s landscaping business. Sadly, his uncle passed away in January, and since then, he’s been left running the business all alone.

His aunt has no clue how to run the business and was never involved in it, so that’s why he stepped in to help.

He’s the only person who has been contacting clients, balancing the books, and making sure employees get paid, as his aunt has shown zero interest.

Earlier this month, he said to his aunt that he should get something for running what is now her business, as he’s currently doing it for free.

“I told her that I wanted to become a partner in the business,” he explained. “I also feel that as the one doing all the work, I should deserve a larger stake, and so my suggestion was 65/35.”

“My aunt already has a very good-paying job, so this would just be passive income for her to enjoy while having to do absolutely nothing in return. Naturally, she has refused. She says I’m exploiting her situation and feels I should respect my uncle’s wish that their son take over the business.”

“Meanwhile, their son is only fourteen and has expressed no interest in running the company at all.”

Her son actually pitched a complete fit at the mention of spending a few weeks with him over the summer learning the business.

He has already offered to teach his aunt the business as well, but she said no, as she has her hands full with her current career.

Tomasz Zajda – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

He has declined to teach anyone outside of the family to replace him, as that would only hurt him and not help him.

Over the weekend, he finally gave his aunt an ultimatum: she can agree to give him what he wants, or he’s leaving the business in July.

What he didn’t admit to his aunt is that he’s going to start a competitive business, and he is well aware that multiple clients and employees will leave along with him.

“Since laying out an ultimatum, my phone has been blowing up,” he said. “My aunt has called me every name in the book, accused me of [offending] my uncle’s legacy, and has been very clear that she’d fire me if she could.”

“Other family members are also upset. My grandparents have outright told me I’m exploiting the dead, and my mom feels I should leave my aunt her company and just ask for a raise for my extra work.”

“Others have either remained neutral or suggested it’s probably best for me to leave and find other work and let her sort out her own situation.”

He’s left wondering if it was wrong of him to ask his aunt to make him a partner in the business for all of his hard work.

If he gets the 65%, that would be a 10% raise above his current salary, meaning he could hire an additional employee for the company.

Do you think it’s unfair for him to expect to be made a partner?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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