She Just Learned That Her Boyfriend’s Two Female Best Friends Are Girls That He Has Slept With, So That’s Making Her Feel Like She Can’t Trust Him Anymore

Look! - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Look! - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 24-year-old girl has a boyfriend the same age as her, and they have been together for more than a year.

Her boyfriend has 2 female best friends, and her boyfriend has mentioned that they have been close since either middle or high school.

So, because these girls are best friends with her boyfriend, she has gotten really close to them as well.

She never stopped to consider that her boyfriend had any kind of history with his best friends that crossed the friend line, and she only found out that truth because one of these girls recently admitted to her that they had both slept with her boyfriend.

Apparently, this happened about 5 years back, and she was shocked to even learn about this.

“We have had a lot of special and deep-feeling memories with his girlfriends, and it all feels kind of tainted now,” she explained.

“Not to mention there have been times my BF and I have done stuff like skinny dip with them; he’s slept over at their apartment, and we have gone on camping trips with just them and us, and I feel gross now thinking about this stuff.”

“I just can’t shake this feeling looking back on all this like there was this secret extra element to all these times that I didn’t know. I feel like a fool, I guess, even though I don’t think there are romantic feelings between any of them.”

She did confront her boyfriend regarding his history with his best friends, and she made it clear that she was really upset he never told her this, let alone allowed her to get friendly with them herself.

Look! – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

She then pointed out to her boyfriend that it made her uneasy to know that he had slept with his best friends yet has basically zero boundaries with them.

Her boyfriend insisted that his history with his best friends was water under the bridge and that if the roles were reversed, he wouldn’t have a problem at all. She isn’t friends with any guy that she has ever slept with, so she didn’t really understand him trying to add that to their conversation.

Her boyfriend then got really prickly about the secret he had kept from her, and he insisted he just thought she would not want to know his history with his best friends.

When their conversation was over, her boyfriend kind of flipped the script and was mad at her. He accused her of not “being fair” to him because he never kept the secret to be mean.

“I don’t really know what to do now because I don’t feel like I can trust him, and now I am like rethinking our whole relationship and all our memories and feeling sick with my new knowledge,” she said.

“We spoke, and he apologized for his initial reaction and said totally should have told me and sees why this would be uncomfy for me, and that he wanted to do whatever it took to regain my trust because me and our relationship is a priority to him (his words).”

“Up til now, our relationship has been pretty great, and we’ve been able to work through issues that come up. I don’t really know what to do or how to move past this with him, and I need advice.”

Do you think this is something she can get over or should get over?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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