Her Boyfriend Has Constantly Badgered Her About Getting Married Even Though She Wants To Wait, So After He Romantically Proposed To Her, She Dumped Him

torriphoto - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual ring
torriphoto - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual ring

A 20-year-old girl has been dating her 27-year-old boyfriend for a year and 3 months exactly, and her boyfriend has constantly brought up wanting to get married and wanting to have kids from the time that she met him.

Although she does want to be married and sees herself having kids, she doesn’t want to do that until much later on in her life.

Throughout her entire relationship with her boyfriend, he has badgered her about getting married to him even though she made it clear she wants to wait.

“We would often be lying in bed, and he would just say, “I can’t wait to do this when we’re married,” she explained.

“Personally, I don’t really get it. Like, what’s going to change from now when we’re dating to when we’re married? Our relationship will still be the same one we started with.”

“He often would just ask me casually to marry him, and I would always just answer something along the lines with, “someday.” He’s asked me about every month for about a year, and I always answer the same. I’m very busy, and I travel for an intern job for work, so I don’t really see myself settling down within the next few years.”

She honestly could not have made it more obvious to her boyfriend that she intends to live her life before settling down.

She even gave her boyfriend her timeline; she has no interest in being engaged before the age of 25, and she won’t have kids unless she’s in her late 20s or early 30s.

This is just how she feels and what she wants to do. So anyway, every single time her boyfriend has talked to her about getting married and having kids, she reminded him of her timelines for both.

torriphoto – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual ring

When she did always answer her boyfriend honestly, he would instantly stop talking and look quite upset. As she kept dating her boyfriend, the problem of them not agreeing on marriage or kids appeared to be the only problem in their relationship; everything else was great.

“The last time he casually asked, we were on the beach about a month ago, and once again, I just said, “I’m not ready right now,” she continued.

“Fast forward to two days ago, he proposed to me for real. He took me to a mountain with a waterfall and actually got down on one knee with a ring. I didn’t even look at the ring before I said no. It was like a reflex? I started walking away and crying out of shock.”

“I knew this was the end for us. I couldn’t see myself getting back together with someone who just doesn’t listen to me. I’m not sure if he thought a nice ring would make things better or me magically say yes, but it didn’t work.”

Then her boyfriend began crying before pleading with her to say yes. In response, she said she definitely needed some time to think. She ended up flying home to see her family right after that, and she filled them in about the proposal.

Well, they already knew he intended to propose because her boyfriend had already gone to them to say he was going to do that, and her family had tried to talk him out of it.

“He ignored them, never told them he was going through with it, and didn’t bother to invite them to the party he had planned after (later found out his whole family was there),” she said.

“Honestly, feel great. Texted him we’re done, and that was a line crossed. Unfortunately, have to see him at work, but I don’t even feel an ounce of sadness, more like relief, and I’m not totally sure why.”

Do you think breaking up with him for good was the right thing to do, considering the fact that they’re not on the same page with how quickly they want to get married?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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