His Wife Started Sobbing At Their Wedding When Her 6-Year-Old Nephew Showed Up Wearing White Jeans, So He Called Her Selfish And Insecure

prostooleh - stock.adobe.com-  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
prostooleh - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Last week Wednesday, this 28-year-old man and his wife, 26, got married.

Everything went perfectly for the ceremony, but things didn’t go as smoothly during the reception.

“My wife was very strict on the fact that no guest is allowed to wear white, which is understandable because for females, that’s considered rude or bad luck at weddings, I think,” he said.

At first, everything at the reception was normal until he saw his wife heading toward the bathroom, covering her face with her hands.

Since he and his wife had been in a relationship for three years, he could easily tell when something was wrong.

“I rushed across the room, telling guests, ‘One minute’ as I hurried by them. Once I got to the bathroom, I knocked on the door and informed my wife that it was me at the door. After a few minutes, I heard the door unlock and open. When I got in, I saw my wife sitting on the floor with mascara running down her cheeks,” he explained.

He asked his wife why she was crying, and she said that one of their nephews, who is 6-years-old, had worn white jeans and a white bow tie to their wedding. Since their nephew was so young, he felt like his wife was making too big a deal out of it.

He told her this but in a kinder way. He advised his wife that she should try to get her mind off of it and just have fun for the rest of the reception.

“She eventually texted her sister to come to the bathroom and fix her makeup so she could go back out and have a good night. After a while, I saw her talking to my sister, the mom of our nephew, and I thought she was just making conversation. About an hour later, my sister pulled me aside and berated me for my wife’s behavior. She said my wife had asked her and her son to leave unless she had a change of clothes for him,” he shared.

prostooleh – stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When he heard this, he was incredibly upset with his wife and asked her for an explanation. His wife stood by her actions while he told her that if she planned to force his family to leave their wedding reception, then he would “happily leave, too.”

At this, his wife burst into tears and told him that this was “her day” that was being destroyed by their nephew. In his view, his wife was the one destroying their wedding because she was having a meltdown over something minor.

As their argument escalated, he told his wife that “She was not selfish, but that she was insanely insecure if she’s worried about a six-year-old looking than her.”

After the wedding, he and his wife haven’t been speaking, and she is staying at her mother’s house. This morning, his wife’s mother told him that he needed to say sorry for how he treated his wife, but he didn’t think he said anything too mean.

Do you think he was wrong for what he said to his wife on their wedding day?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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