
She’s Refusing To Use Some Of Her Leftover College Fund To Help Her Sister With Special Needs

Nichizhenova Elena -, illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s no secret that money issues can tear a family apart and cause lots of drama. 

One woman is dealing with a lot of drama within her family after refusing to use some of the leftover money in her college fund to help pay for her younger sister’s special needs.

When she was 14, her parents divorced, and her father married her stepmom, Josie, three years later. After a while, her dad and Josie had her half-sister, Melody.

“Melody has several severe special needs, both physical and mental,” she explained.

“Melody is still a child, but the medical specialists helping her agree that she will likely need around-the-clock care for her entire life.”

Because of Melody’s medical needs, Josie quit her job as a middle school teacher to care for her every day, and her dad works all the time. As a result, they’ve been under a lot of stress, and having to take on most of Melody’s care has been weighing them down. 

Recently, now that she’s a college graduate, they’ve been asking her to pitch in and take care of Melody part-time so Josie can return to work and have a life outside of being Melody’s caretaker. 

However, she has two reasons for refusing to care for Melody. First, she has consciously chosen not to have kids because she doesn’t want to be responsible for another human being, including her little sister. Second, she already works full-time and needs to keep her current job in order to provide for herself.

Since she’s refused to do the physical work to care for Melody, her dad and Josie figured she should contribute something else – money. 

Nichizhenova Elena –, illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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